February 22, 2025
Peter Lougheed Provincial Park
About Us
Date: February 22, 2025
Peter Lougheed Provincial Park
The Cookie Race will be held February 22, 2025.

Course Details
Course Details See KSM 2025 Race Notice
Age Categories
The Cookie Race is open to classic cross-country skiers ages 5 years old and up.


Bib pickup: 8:00-10:30 on the morning of the race at Pocaterra Hut.
Register before January 29th to get early bird pricing

Important Dates: Register by Feb 19, 2025 at 21:30 MST. Early-bird pricing ends January 29.
For current information about the weather conditions, go HERE. Note that this forecast is for Banff and the weather in Canmore Nordic Centre may differ. Be prepared for sudden changes in the weather. This is the mountains afterall!
Trail Report
All ski trails are open to the public while the race is in progress. Be cautious and courteous! Dogs are not allowed on the ski trails.
Volunteers are heros! It takes over 120 volunteers to make the Cookie Race happen, not including the army of cookie bakers. We need people to help Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Many people volunteer for more than one job, and many racers volunteer to help before or after the race! Details below.
Controller Team: Controllers take position at key points on the course to track skiers’ progress and ensure no one goes missing. This is job requires skis, warm boots, warm clothes, a hardy soul, and a thermos of hot chocolate. Additional Information for Course Controller positions
Race Office Team: Check in volunteers, hand out bibs and transponders before the race, or help load the race office materials back into the trucks after the race.
Course Team: Pre-ski the course on Friday placing flags and signs, or sweep the course behind the racers Saturday afternoon, picking up flags and signs as you go. You must be fit enough to ski the course quickly while carrying equipment in a backpack!
Stadium Team: Help set up tents and fencing on Friday, put the final touches on the stadium Saturday morning, then tear it all down and load it up Saturday afternoon. Stadium marshals guide racers and spectators into their respective areas from the parking lot. Many of these positions are perfect for racers because they happen before or after the race!
Timing Team: Write down finish times as backup for the electronic timing system, collect transponders at the finish line, and hand out candy bags to finishers – they will love you for it!
Refreshments Team: Volunteer at one of the three feed stations out on the course.
Jackrabbit Team: Help run the 5km, 3km, 2km, 1km, and 0.5km races for the kids. These are some of the most fun jobs!
Transportation Team: Help load gear from the storage locker in Calgary onto the trucks (Thursday), pull a trailer to Pocaterra Hut, help unload and set up (Friday), reload at the end of the race and then unload again in Calgary (Saturday evening). Perfect for racers because it doesn’t interfere with the race!
Volunteer Sign Up Details
The sign-up sheet shows remaining unfilled jobs and exact time requirements. Please consider volunteering. Thanks!
Event Sponsors

A BIG THANK YOU goes out to our Sponsors and Supporters.]
Event Sponsors

About Us
Organizing Committee
Chief of Competition Tom Lambert
Chief of Cookies/Refreshments Madelaine Bate
Jackrabbit Chief Ginette Quintile
Chief of Stadium Ryan Murray
Chief of Course Scott Jensen
Chief of Controllers Steve Layden
Chief of Timing Ben Gerard
Chief of Race Office Ann Lohka and Jennifer Lambert
Race Administrator Cynthia Mate
The Kananaskis Ski Marathon, a.k.a. the Cookie Race, is the Foothills Nordic Ski Club’s flagship event. It is the second oldest Nordic event (after the Lake Louise Loppet) and the second largest loppet (after the Canadian Birkebeiner) in Alberta.
Don Gardner, who designed the X-C trail system in Peter Lougheed, and the late Ruedi Setz, then Race Director of FNSC, organized the first Kananaskis Ski Marathon in March of 1978, with 67 participants and one 45 km distance – track-set by Don and Ruedi on skis, not snowmobiles!
The race has grown to 500 participants annually (the maximum number of racers allowed by Alberta Parks). Over the years, a 24km event, a 15km event, and Jackrabbits (youth) races of 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 5 km have been added. Over 120 volunteers are required to host the Cookie Race.
Jackrabbits get a candy prize at the finish line.
Contact Race Coordinator
Event Sponsors

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