Dear Foothills Nordic Club Members,
Many of you will have already heard that our friends at Bragg Creek Trails have a plan to buy a demo Snow Rabbit 3X from Colorado. This is a premier compact and lightest snowcat available. It will be ideal for the terrain and conditions at WBC. Significantly it comes equipped with a 12-way blade, hydrostatic tiller and tracksetters. This will make for significantly improved grooming whether during a big dump of snow or after a blast of chinook winds.
Bragg Creek Trails has received support from several private foundations for this purchase but they needed to dip into their financial reserves to make the commitment to move forward in time for winter. A big part of the plan was a fundraising campaign and I am sure that many of you have already donated. If you have not donated yet please give it some serious consideration. We are so lucky to have this volunteer driven recreation facility on our doorstep. Let’s help them out where we can.
Here is a direct link to their donations site: