Jackrabbits Level 1 + 2
Jackrabbits Level 1 + 2 Program
Jackrabbits will acquire basic ski skills while developing agility, balance, coordination and speed with an emphasis on FUN and participation! The essential goal of Jackrabbits is to provide children with FUNdamental physical and cross country ski skills as a foundation to participate in SPORT-FOR-LIFE.
Jackrabbits will develop cross country skills through a progressive skill program through four levels (JR 1 – 4) following the Foothills Nordic Skill Matrix. Classic technique is taught in levels 1 and 2.
Participation in low-key regional events such as the Cookie Race, the Alberta Cup hosted by Foothills Nordic, and other local ski races is encouraged for all Jackrabbits as an overall skill development opportunity. It is also a great way to meet other Foothills Nordic families.
Additional activities included in your registration are Terrain Park FUN Nights, Family Ski Days (Saturday or Sunday in Bragg Creek or Kananaskis), and the Foothills Club Day. These super fun events are well loved by Jackrabbits and their parents and are a great way to connect with the Foothills Nordic community.
Our coaches are all NCCP trained (Community Coach), many are former Jackrabbits and many are Foothills Nordic high performance athletes.
Program Details
Jackrabbits Level 1 (ages 6/7)
Pre-requisite: one year of Bunnies OR some ski experience
Note: 6/7 year olds with No ski experience see Program Guide
Jackrabbits Level 2 (ages 7/8)
Pre-requisite: JR Level 1
Programs start the week of December 3rd to mid March. The Jackrabbit programs run for 12 coached sessions of 1.5 hours
Jackrabbit Level 1 Program Times:
Tuesday Afternoon 4:30 to 6:00pm
Tuesday Evening 6:15 to 7:45pm
Wednesday Afternoon 4:30 to 6:00pm
Wednesday Evening 6:15 to 7:45pm
Thursday Afternoon 4:30 to 6:00pm
Thursday Evening 6:15 to 7:45pm
Jackrabbit Level 2 Program Times:
Tuesday Afternoon 4:30 to 6:00pm
Tuesday Evening 6:15 to 7:45pm
Wednesday Afternoon 4:30 to 6:00pm
Wednesday Evening 6:15 to 7:45pm
Thursday Afternoon 4:30 to 6:00pm
Thursday Evening 6:15 to 7:45pm
Note: Foothills Nordic Ski Club reserves the right to cancel any group session that has insufficient registrants. Minimum class size is normally five participants. If a session is cancelled, participants will be given the opportunity to register for another session or receive a FULL refund.
Other locations may be used for extra and weekend activities (Terrain Park nights, Family ski days – West Bragg Creek trails, Canmore and other mountain locations)
Participants are expected to have appropriate ski equipment and winter clothing. There will be a Parent Information session before the start of classes to review equipment and clothing.
Program fee: $225
Foothills Nordic Membership (during registration)
Confederation Trail User Fees(during registration)
We encourage families of all economic levels to participate in this awesome winter sport. If you have constraints for program or equipment costs, Foothills Nordic encourages families to seek support through KIDSPORT, a local program to help lower-income families with sport and activity program costs.
Foothills Nordic is able to run high quality programs for a reasonable cost due to the volunteer support from our families. Based on the Club’s volunteer bond, ALL Jackrabbit parents will be required to volunteer six hours throughout the season. Numerous volunteer opportunities will be available from coach support for Bunnies, Group Monitoring for Jackrabbits, parking or snow grooming support and support for weekend events (Terrain Nights, Family Ski Days and the Cookie Race). A full sign-up list with details on volunteer jobs will be available and communicated before the first on-snow sessions.
For information on the volunteer bond and the many other volunteer opportunities available throughout the year, see Club Volunteer Opportunities.
We also welcome keen parents with strong basic ski skills to become coaches. Please note your interest when you register or contact the Jackrabbit Coach/Leader Coordinator.
If you have any questions, please contact biathlonbears@foothillsnordic.ca.